Regional Skills Forum North West



About Us

The North West Regional Skills Forum supports businesses in its region to assess and develop skills for their employees.

The North West Regional Skills Forum serves the counties of Donegal, Sligo and Leitrim.

The work of the North West Regional Skills Forum is supported by key industry, economic and education partners from across the region, who all work together, through the forum in identifying and implementing pro-active responses to address current and future skills needs.

Industry representatives and associations; employers from the region, Ibec, Sligo Chamber of Commerce.

Education and training providers; Atlantic Technological University, St Angela’s College Sligo, Donegal Education and Training Board, Mayo Sligo and Leitrim Education and Training Board, Skillnet Ireland.

Statutory agencies and organisations; Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland, Intreo, Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs), Údarás na Gaeltachta, Western Development Commission.