Letterkenny CDP

About Us
Letterkenny C.D.P is a voluntary group of caring and supporting people. Our ambition is to improve our community for all, by encouraging participation, personal development and inclusiveness throughout our programme and facilities.
We have a voluntary management committee (7 directors) who represent our target groups and give their time freely to run this very proactive community development project. We provide employment for; 35 Community Employment Participants, 2 Community Employment Supervisors, 1 Job Initiative Worker, 3 Part - time Childcare Workers, 1 Full-time drugs/alcohol Outreach Worker.
CDP Programmes: We have plenty of programmes available to people who need it. Senior Alert programme, Care and Repair Programme, I.T. at Home, Volunteer in your Home, Community response to drug/ alcohol misuse, men's sheds. We organise various community events throughout the year encouraging participation by all our target groups .i.e. St Patrick's Day, Halloween and Christmas parties.